Thanks to the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation, a wide range of Mat-Su area trail maps are available in a convenient smartphone app.

OuterSpatial is available for both iOS and Android platforms. It is a national app, but delivers localized content based on user's location. For the Mat-Su Valley, there are a number of trails available in every region - from Denali State Park to Lake Louise. Every trail has information available, including activities available, amenities, suggested users, maps, terrain, trail length, and more. Trails of all kinds - winter, summer, motorized and nonmotorized - are available on the app.

Currently there are about 100 miles of Mat-Su trails uploaded on the app. The foundation's goal is to have all the legal trails uploaded to the app within the next year. Once you have the app installed, you'll have access to interactive topographic and satellite-based maps; accurate and up-to-date information; directions to trail heads; and upcoming events at trails.

Bringing trail maps to the OuterSpatial app is just one of many projects the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation has completed recently. Thanks to a grant from the Mat-Su Health Foundation, the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation will be investing $4 million into trails and trail infrastructure in the next 10 years.