Mileage Chart

The Mat-Su Valley is a large area spanning over 23,000 square miles! The map on this page is color-coded to represent the distinct destination areas of the Mat-Su Valley. These areas include: Glacier Country, Gold Rush Country, Lake Country, Denali Country and Off the Beaten Path. The color of each area corresponds with a different region of the map to help you plan your Alaska vacation in more detail. Just choose a region to learn more about the area and what there is to see and do. A mileage chart is also available to give a better indication of the distances between our regions and other highlights throughout the state.

Borough Map

Denali CountryLake CountryGold Rush CountryGlacier CountryOff the Beaten PathOff the Beaten Path

   Anchorage  Wasilla  Palmer Hatcher Pass** Lake Louise Talkeetna Junct.*** Denali Nat'l Park    Fairbanks
Anchorage   42 42  60 160 99 237 352
Wasilla 42    10* 24 131 57 195 310
Palmer 42 10*    20 118 70 208 323
Hatcher Pass** 60 24 20   136 81 219 334
Lake Louise  160 131 118 136   188 326 481
Talkeetna Junct.*** 99 57 70 81 118   138 253
Denali Nat'l Park 237 195 208 208 326 138   115
Fairbanks 352 310 323 334 481 253 115  
NOTE: Mileage figures have been rounded to the nearest mile. Mileage has been taken from the "2003 Milepost"TM
* Via Palmer Wasilla Highway
** Distance to independence Mine State Historical Park
*** Add an additional 14.5 miles for mileage to downtown Talkeetna