If you thought the snow on the mountains meant an end to those sunny visits to Independence Mine, think again. This photo was taken yesterday and I've just been told by Salmon Berry Travel & Tours, who operate tours up at the mine, that the weather in Hatcher Pass is glorious this week.
Independence Mine is a must for visitors to Alaska, and a favorite for Alaska residents. Summer visits to this state historical park are filled with colorful blooms and sweet fragrances from the mountain flowers, the iconic singing of the golden-crowned sparrow, and unique glimpse into the unique way of life for the mining families at this historic location. Summer may be drawing to a close, but it sure looks like this beloved location has not quite thrown in the towel.
I'm guessing most Valley residents are as pleased as I am to see all this blue sky and sunny weather this week. If you're looking for a great way to take advantage of this amazing late September weather, drive up to Independence Mine and fill your lungs with that pure mountain air. Hurry, because by the looks of the surrounding peaks up there, more snowy weather may be just around the corner.
Alaska Gold Rush History
Independence Mine has a rich history of gold mining.
Best Hikes in Hatcher Pass
Hatcher Pass is filled with trails for spectacular hikes.
Hatcher Pass
Hatcher Pass is a great destination for winter recreation.